Saturday 30 July 2011

*cubaan*:D,,UPS (mid sem) just around the corner,grr

ups??huhu,what must i study right now??can anyone suggest not cover anything yet,,4 my chemistry,i really sad because of you..tonight,i promise to hold u,sleep,eat n anything wif u my chemy:D..,,semalam study biology,bes sgt sb BIO is part of our life,,,HIHI:*,,tp stress jgk nk igt sume structure2 tu,,anyway korang sume mesti da lma cover sume tu kn??huhu,sedeyh sgt sb saya da mungkin terlambat..2 my friends,haha,msti lawak kn tgk blog sya,sja je menjiinakkn dri ngn da xde tmpat la nk luah perassan:D,so arap2 korang sume xboring tgk muka ni:P

                                  haha,telophase tersalah lukis,nmpak sgt2 la dalam kuliah tido:D

 muka si poyo:P


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